The Runaway
Ladybug disappeared for some time. Finally she appeared with 2 cases.
"I'm all packed and ready to go."
"Where are you going honey?"
"I'm running away."
"Oh. Where are you running away to?"
"The front yard and the back yard and around the house."
"Good. I just need to know where you are when you run away."
"Yeah, that's because you love me. Can I pack some of my favorite nuts?"
"Sure honey. Here are some olives too."
Once packed and fed, my rebel walked out the door and down the steps with her cases, a soft drink and a furry companion to keep her company. She ran into Sunshine and her friend Em and recruited them to join her.
Ten minutes later they were settled on the front lawn, happily dining on the hoard. Oh for a carefree runaway once a day. I think I'll try it.
What a good idea, I think we should all runaway every once in a while