So grim and gloomy
Are the caves beneath the sea.
Oh, rare but roomy
And bare and boomy,
Those salt sea caverns be.
Oh, slim and slimy
Or grey and grimy
Are the animals of the sea.
Salt and oozy
And safe snoozy
The caves where those animals be.
Hark to the shuffling
Huge and snuffling,
Ravenous, cavernous, great sea-beasts!
But fair and fabulous
Gay and fabulous are their feasts.
Ah, but the queen of the sea,
The querulous, perilous sea!
How the curls of her tresses
The pearls on her dresses,
Sway and swirl in the waves,
How cozy and dozy,
How sweet ring-a-rosy
Her bower in the deep-sea-caves!
Oh, rare but roomy
And bare and boomy
Those caverns under the sea,
And grave and grandiose,
Save and sandiose
The dens of her denizens be.
-Grim and Gloomy
by James Reeves
1 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup water
food coloring if desired
Oooze and snooze and flooze and plooze. Slimy, grimy, and very messy!!!!