Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dinner Celebrations

Part of my plan to slow down, and savor each day is to use moments we already have to teach, learn, build memories and relationships. One time we have every day without fail is dinner time. One of my goals this year is to create dinner time celebrations.

In order to keep with the simplicity I am seeking, I have given myself 2 rules. 1. Preparation cannot exceed 1/2 hour more than dinner normally would. 2. I cannot spend more than $5 over what I normally would for dinner. Within these rules, I am going to experiment with the dinner table 52 times. (One per week).

To give me some accountability and to share my successes and failures with those who might be interested, I am recording our experiences at and recipes at A Year of Celebration At the Dinner Table.

Chinese New Year went off pretty well, Sunshine asked if we could have another dinner like that this evening. Sorry sweetie. Just once a week.


  1. You have inspired me to try again!
    I did something like this several years ago before the boys could benefit. I really enjoyed it. I went to the library and found music from that area and planned a dinner around the music. Once I even looked up ancestors, but that was a bit overwhelming.

  2. I love it! I excitedly await some more.
