This morning, I rushed to get everyone ready. Sunshine had a field trip to the dentist, Ladybug school, Little Mother had her weekly appointment with Melody to do a little home school.
Today was my day, the only time in the week where I have 2 hours to myself. I planned to edit some chapters of a book, clean out the fridge, then when everyone came home I was going to tend my little friend Chloe. Then my friend Jodi and I were going to craft and craft while the kids played. I haven't planned so much fun in ages! I am so excited!
Then, Sunshine started to cry. "My head hurts Mommy." A few minutes later, Little Mother chimes in, "I'm going to throw up. I have bumps all over my body." Just as we prepare to load Ladybug, I hear a splat as her breakfast finds its way from her stomach into the sink.
Well, all MY plans are now cancelled. No time alone, no crafting, no cuddling with babies. Just sad sad kids, barf, and headaches. Is it going to be a bad day? I think on it. Nope, it is not. All things come from my Heavenly Father. "This is the day the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."
My eyes rest on encouragement I gave Little Mother when she didn't want to do her school work. It feels strangely for me. "I love you. My Girl. Do good." I'm feelin' the love. I can't wait to see what he has in store for me today.
Poor dears. I could use a little encouragement with my hot little cougher. I wonder how the day went for you.