Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vacation of the Sea Bass

We walked through the pueblo tonight instead of racing around on bumpity golf carts.  Our stomachs are extended and we need to walk off our gluttony. 

It was mermaids night, and I overdosed on crab, shrimp, mussell, clam, and ceviche cocktails, eggs stuffed with shrimp, cucumbers stuffed with tuna, sea bass and jumbo shrimp slathered with butter and garlic chunks, lime cake, chocolate cake, coconut cake, chocolate pastry roll, lime/banana pie, cheesecake, flan, and fresh fruit and salads. 

Yes, I ate all that in one sitting.  Appetites sated, we sat around a fire and stared at the ocean, I giggled.  "I feel so perky!"  Good foods do that to me. 

Vacationing is about many things, but one of them is the food.  I am not a bologna sandwich vacationer. In future years, Briz will ask, "do you remember that time we swam with the sea lions?"  I will answer in rapture, "Oh yes... and do you remember that Sea Bass with cajun seasoning?"   

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