Armed with good intentions, I march through Costco, looking neither to the right or left. Drat the free samples!!! Even if I had the will power to pass up something free, my two little companions simply must try every offering. The marinated salmon is to die for and I can't imagine life without it so it goes into the cart. The bagels are fresh and chewy and on sale today for 2 sleeves for $4.99. "And," the sales lady adds, "they freeze beautifully and you can cut them up in pieces for the kids to dip in sauces." Two sleeves of bagels enter my cart. Have you ever tried Vinegar and Salt Almonds? I can't resist because sometimes Costco's inventory changes and I can't find my favorites. Will I ever see them again? Well I will for sure if they are in my cabinets.
As we exit, the 1/4 pound all beef hot dogs call my children with their sweet, relish-deli mustard song. I pull all the change out of my planner and let Little Mother count and pay. The three of us can eat for $3.27. Can you beat that? One for Sunshine and I, and one for Little Mother.
While we munch, glops of mustard and relish fall on our paper towel plates and we watch and listen to the fellow hot dog eaters. The elders are next to us. The four of them are talking boy talk. One elderly gentleman stops with his cart and hugs one of them. A few minutes later a young woman approaches their table. After a bit of chit chat she flops a $10 on the table for their lunch and says, "you must take it. I've been where you are." And off she goes. A young man wearing a Riverton High Baseball jacket and his dad stop at the table next. After they leave, a Caucasian elder walks over to the table next to mine and they hug and talk. I hear mention of my husband's profession and am curious.
When he leaves, I decide it is time to make Costco one big happy hot dog eating family so I get up and go visit the table next to me. I introduce myself and find out about them, find out that the man has seen my husband and wanted to meet him. We discuss mutual acquaintances and I network beween the sherif's dept. and my husband's job before I toddle on back to clear off my table. He tells me that an elder wanted an "in" to my husband's profession.
At the garbage cans, I meet the elder in question. I quickly introduce myself and offer my husband's services and give out our phone #. "Yes!" he said. "I knew we should go to Costco today!" As the girls and I loaded our car I spotted the $10 Samaritan. I thanked her for touching my heart as she served those who were serving God with no pay. Her heart warmed and mine did too as I offered gratitude. I giggled to myself that I had made five new friends under the red and white umbrellas.
With full tummies and happy hearts we left Costco.... once more with much more than the milk we came for.