I'm free!!! I'm free!!!
Well sort of. Ladybug flew away Wednesday for an island snorkeling, quid eating marine biology adventure. She left love tokens, gifts, and gum in her bedroom for us to find.
Auntie Teri volenteered to take the other two for a sun filled extended family vacation. They left this morning. Due to time constraints, as we raced to eat our breakfast, I overturned their table and served them purple (blueberry) smoothies and cookies (healthy breakfast cookies). A bit weak I know, but it was a nod to April Fools Day.
I returned from my music classes to find my machine blinking. I played the message as I composed my grocery list. Screaming and crying burst from the machine. "I know that sound." I thought.
"Russ and Holly, your girls are NOT doing well. They are just out of control. I am turning around. I'm just going to have to bring them home."
Teri's voice wavered. She was mad. She was at the end of her rope. The kids were out of control. I heard them. What could they be doing? What could they be thinking to disturb Teri and McKell that way. They've been counting down, dreaming, talking of this moment. How could they behave so badly. Now they were going to lose their fun time and of secondary importance, I was going to lose my happy making break.
I checked the time on the message, then the time on the clock. If they turned around at 12:35, they should have been here a half hour ago. She must have decided to grit her teeth and bear it. Perhaps she just called to trick the kids into behaving. Well, we can't have that.
I called Briz. "You've got to call Teri right away. Our kids are flipping out and she is NOT happy. You need to lay down the law right now." "Why don't you want to call?" He asked. "I already laid down the law and the consequences before they left. I need super power on this one."
One minute later, my phone rang again. How could he have solved the situation so quickly. I hope he pacified Teri. I'm so dissapointed in my little ones. "Midodi, you can relax. It was an elaborately staged April Fools joke." I'm completely confused. She must be trying to make Briz feel better. "You can call her back if it makes you feel better."
After some talking with Teri and some time to wind down, I get it. April Fools. Really. On me this time.
No overturned tables or purple drinks for me. I get the real deal. And my kids were in on it too. HOW DARE THEY!!!! Really, I feel secretly clever. Someone remembered me. They rehearsed for me. They gave me a real scare. I'm quite happy.
h aha ha ha ha !! good one.