Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

The last of our 36 love tokens are delivered.  We deliver in stages.  When I run out of one gift, I try to come up with something else in my budget for everyone else.  By the time we reached our last 6 for neighbors and friends, my bank account is shot.  Due to the economic times, few are reciprocated.  But I don't mind.   I NEED to have some way of showing love, if only a token, at Christmas time.  So, our last six get home made cookie mixes.  Budget friendly, yet still from the heart.

The deck is covered with food for the small friends that line our trees is plump rows.

All in our property must celebrate tonight.

Ladybug sadly taps her collection jar.  "I wanted to have the jar full for the homeless.  Maybe next year if I start earlier."

Anticipation is high, but tonight is full of peace.  Tonight belongs to Jesus Christ.  Tomorrow will be time enough for Santa Claus.  The meal is ready, pre-made in the refrigerator and crock pot.  All the glitzy Christmas decorations are removed till tomorow.  Tonight we transform our living room into Bethlehem.
 We don our headscarves and by the light of candles eat authentic food from biblical times, then quietly share feelings.

"Can we give our gifts?  Is it time yet?"  We move under the tree and sing carols to the simple accompaniment of Briz on the guitar.   First, each tells the recipient why they love them then from youngest to oldest, we present our love gifts. Briz made a bed for Little Mother's American Doll.  I made a cooking kit for my sous chef, Sunshine.  Ladybug painted a picture for Briz.  Little Mother painted a nutcracker for me, and Sunshine painted a  piggy bank for Ladybug.

We help our little ones make the transition from Christ to Santa with a beautiful book, I Believe in Santa.  Filled with love and appreciation, they write letters of love to Santa in their new PJs.

Magic fills the air as they check Santa Tracker to see where Santa is currently at.  We let them all sleep together tonight and we hear whisperings for an hour or two as they swear they've spotted Santa's light on the horizon line.   Santa comes.  Eats the goodies set out, does his stuff then goes home and goes to bed by 11:00.  He's tired but happy from filling children's dreams. 


  1. filling bellies, filling stockings, filling dreams- you sound like "a women who knows"

  2. aww what beautiful traditions to have

  3. Thanks, Holly, for sharing. It's always a treat!
