Sunday, April 10, 2011


Briz has made a remarkable recovery.  I am so proud of him for allowing us to wheel him around for days.  He has tried to make healthy eating choices and for him, this is TOUGH.  But, so is he. 

Today in church he spoke of wake up calls that force him to realize that he spends much of his time on the unimportant. 

From my perspective, I reach over and pet his head, grateful that it is there for me.  He jumps up and down outside my shower with a mischievous grin and though I chastise him, I glow that his hyper self is still around to pester me.


  1. Ahh... this is what I have been waiting to hear! Good. GOOD.

  2. yeah for jumping shower pests!

  3. Made of the toughest material! So happy to hear you are doing better.

  4. yes, he is a tough cookie . . . eating healthy is a fab step for him - i am so proud! I am also so grateful that his head is there for you to fuzz!!!
