At the recomendation of Blue Yonder, we have started our family's Book of Days as a way to record the simple moments of our life, to record what we have done, make sketches, and help us slow down and savor the moments. Each girl contributed a side to decorate a 1 1/2" binder to record our discoveries and thoughts. We discussed what we wanted to accomplish in the month of January, recorded it and now set off to conquer. The girls plan on having this book last forever so the older 2 really took their time and did their best work.
Oh the joy of watching an egg! The girls have tenderly nursed their egg, checking each hour to watch it bubble, spin and peel its beautiful brown skin. The thrill of holding an egg, clothed only in its birthday suit, is great. "Its a rubber egg!" says the middle one! "I want to do this in my school!" says the elder. As a mother, I am satisfied. I got to explain chemical reactions and use the term calcium carbonate several times even to our four year old. I felt oh so clever. We cannot bear to use our vinegar smelling egg, what will we do with it now? It currently sits in a place of honor on the cabinet in a cup of water, so better to see the yolk within. Our first project for our Book of Days is completed!
I also love the name "5 flavors in the castle" Very clever. What did you do with the egg exactly?